Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fiona's third instalment

Here are my next four letters - I, J, K, and L - and I am still pleased to be on track.

The four of them together on block mat board.

I and J - I think I got my piercings a bit close together on the I; with one hole a little bit big as well, so I may need to re-do this letter at some point.

K and L seem to do OK.

And this is the tool I have been using to pierce with. I bought it in Japan at a hardware store (may I just digress and say that a Japanese hardware store is to do die for!) and it is super sharp and strong; and has a great grip. If I ever go back, I expect several more of these will be in my bags on the way home. Note to self - not in my carry-on luggage!

I started a new piercing mat as well when I started these letters - so this is it so far.


  1. Still lovin' the crisp clean look of your letters and I wonder what your creative mind will come up with for the piercing mat....surely there's something cool to be done with it.

  2. still so elegant, even the tool is elegant !

  3. stunningly beautiful Fiona. I'm with you on the piercing mat, it's looking supper!

  4. Again - so elegant! And definitely not a tool for the hand luggage!


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